Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My passion

Now recently I have taken street fighter into more then a hobby. Its a passion of mine now and I hope people realize that because I think its fucking bullshit when they say that I am just playing a game. Sure yes it is a game but its something that truely makes me happy knowing I am actually progressing through something and enjoying it. FOR years I have looked for ways to express myself and find passion Ive tried Break dancing, Card games,other games,poetry,music and other crap. But even all of those I got bored of because the lack of me feeling some sort of mental progress or enjoyment. Street fighter to me is a PASSION its one of the few things I can dedicate myself to and Enjoy working at. One thing recently that is causing me to rant/vent/Blog about this is the lack of open mindedness and abundence of ignorance I get. I hear so much " Vince its a fucking game do something else " and Ill I think is " what the fuck gives you the right to judge what I find enjoyable ". What makes my passion any less then anyone elses? Just because your passion is an instrument or maybe dancing does that make yours better then mine? We both put lots of time practicing,working, going through tons of trial and error, trying no matter what and giving it our all. SO what if all I do is Practice ( not play ) My passion and working on getting better? Why do people feel the need to complain/bitch/criticize what I do? I mean fucking people who play instruments can play their instrument all they want and it seems like no one ever says " Do something else all you do is play piano " so why make it any diffrent if all I do now is practice ? Maybe everything else to me seems like a waste of time, sure Im not gonna dedicate my life 24/7 to this but Im not gonna do anything I feel would be a waste of time instead of practicing. So what if I dont want to play another game or go out and shit maybe I dont want to also? SO if what I do that makes me happy doesnt seem as signifacant as what you or others do, does that  make mine worthless then ? THink about that when you decide to criticize someones hobby/passion/work or whatever they do and let them live and experience what they are working for. Instead of hurting them you can try it also and maybe find and experience what me and others do and find happiness in something.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Battle of the Bay Tommorow

So tommorow is Battle of the bay. In short its the Best bay area players ( super street fighter 4 ) gather in groups of five to show who the best area is. I am going for Team East Bay, thats my area and I am so excited to watch and support. Im hoping I can get in some money matches or casuals in. I have been practicing with my favorite character for a while doing some good practice. All of the best player fighting it out at norcals Highest level of play means SO MUCH HYPE. I did enough practicing today so for now Im going to rest now and look forward to tommorow.